Master on Bulkers, Reefers, General cargo, etc., in world-wide trading area
Sergey S. Murashkin
23-12, Sovetov Str.,
Novorossiysk, 353900, Russia
Tel. home:+7 – 8617 – 612319
Tel. mobile:+7 – 918 – 0480827
Date of birth: May, 08, 1955
Civil status:married
To obtain a position of Master on Bulkers, Reefers, GC
1971 -1975 – Kherson secondary marine school. Graduated as navigator
1982-1989 - Novorossiysk Higher Eng. Marine School. Graduated as engineer-navigator
Work Experience:
1987 to present working as Master on Bulk Carriers, Reefers, GC, Multi-purpose
by DW 8000– 64000 with multinationality crew.
transshipment/mooring/bunkering operation at “high seas”
Personal Information:
Russian native speaker. English - good
Addition Information:
Certificate of competency (grade – master) valid until 20.08.2013 as well as all obligatory
certificates incl. SSO
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